Death of HM Queen Elizabeth II
The Mayor of Allerdale has led tributes to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II who died on 8 September 2022.
A number of flags located around the county will be flown at half-mast until 8am on the day following the State Funeral, except while the Proclamation of the new King is made. This includes at Allerdale House in Workington.
Condolence books will also be situated around the county in key community buildings. The list of locations is on the Cumbria County Council website. Condolences can also be left online on the Buckingham Palace e-Book, which can be found on the Buckingham Palace website.
Speaking on behalf of the borough, Mayor of Allerdale, Cllr Allan Daniels, said: “This is a very sad day for the nation. Her late-Majesty has been a truly inspirational figure and one of the most remarkable monarchs this country has ever seen, who has presided over our country during a period of immense change.
“I remember vividly as a 7-year-old boy sitting in a crowded living room of the only house on our street that had a television watching her coronation. The 70 years of her extraordinary reign has seen immense changes in our world, but throughout she was an unwavering figurehead for our nation and the Commonwealth, providing wise words and a steady hand to many leaders and governments across the globe.
“My thoughts, and those of everyone from Allerdale, are with other members of the Royal family at this time of personal loss.”
Leader of the Council, Cllr Mike Johnson, added: “Her late-Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has been a truly magnificent figure and exceptional monarch for this country who has devoted her whole life to public service, not only to the people of the United Kingdom, but also the Commonwealth. She commanded respect, loyalty and admiration from everyone who worked with her. And on her visits to Allerdale, she always took a keen interest in the people she met.
I also know that her successor, Charles, has a fondness for Allerdale, and I look forward to welcoming him here soon.”
When were the formal proclamations made?
On the days following the death of HM The Queen the Proclamation was made to proclaim the new sovereign.
In Allerdale this was made on Sunday 11 September 2022 at 12:30pm at Allerdale House in Workington.
The Proclamation was made by the Mayor of Allerdale, Cllr Allan Daniels who was joined by local leaders, dignitaries and council officers.
Members of the public were welcome to attend the event which was held outside at the flagpole, and were asked to arrive from noon.
Flowers can be laid at the flagpole at Allerdale House after the event, though it is preferred that no cellophane wrappers are left with the flowers. People are also encouraged to make a donation to the Queen’s charities.
Find out details of the location of Allerdale House in Workington.
More information on other proclamations in Cumbria can be found on the Cumbria County Council website.
Where can I sign a book of condolence?
Condolence books have been situated around the county in key community buildings. The list of locations is on the Cumbria County Council website.
Condolences can also be left online on the Buckingham Palace e-Book, which can be found on the Buckingham Palace website.
Live screening of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s State Funeral
A live screening of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth’s State Funeral will be shown on the big screen at Workington Leisure Centre on Monday 19 September.
This is an opportunity for communities to come together.
The guidance for those planning to attend is as follows:
- Live BBC One coverage will be screened from 10.30AM.
- The screening will be shown on the big screen at Workington Leisure Centre.
- No seating will be provided at this event, but attendees are welcome to bring their own chairs. Toilet facilities will be provided.
The state funeral of Queen Elizabeth II will take place on Monday 19 September at 11am at Westminster Abbey.
Following the funeral, the coffin will travel in procession from Westminster Abbey to Wellington Arch. From Wellington Arch, the coffin will travel to Windsor and once there, the state Hearse will travel to St George’s chapel, Windsor Castle via the Long Walk.
A Committal Service will then take place in St George’s Chapel.
Where can I lay flowers?
The laying of flowers is suggested to take place outside churches and near monuments.
It is preferred for no cellophane wrappers to be left with the flowers, if possible.
Flag protocol
Following the passing of Her Majesty the Queen, our flags will be flown at half mast until the day after the State Funeral, except while the proclamations of King Charles III are made as outlined below. The full protocol is:
- Day of Death - Flags are to be lowered to half-mast immediately.
- Official Proclamation Day (D+1 - Saturday 10 September) - The day following the death will be Proclamation Day, the day when the new Sovereign is proclaimed in London. Flags will start the day by flying half mast until 1100hrs when they will be flown at full mast to coincide with the reading of the Principal Proclamation.
- County Proclamation Day (D+2) - Flags will remain at full mast until 1300hrs, while the proclamation is read in Belfast, Edinburgh and Cardiff at 1230hrs, followed by the reading of the County proclamation.
- Day following the State Funeral (D+11) - The flags will remain at half-mast until 0800hrs.
The flags are lowered as a mark of respect to the passing of HM The Queen. This shows a period of national mourning and sadness. The flags will be raised for two days while the Proclamations take place on D+1 and D+2. Raising the flags marks a 'celebration' of the incoming sovereign. However once the proclamations are complete the flags are returned to half-mast. Again this is to signify that the country is still in a period of official mourning.
This remains until the day after the state funeral, when flags will be flown at full mast again from 8am.
On D+1 (Saturday 10 September) the Proclamation will be made at St. James's Palace and the flags will be raised to full mast. The next day D+2 (Sunday 11 September) the Heralds travel to Belfast, Edinburgh and Cardiff (three countries, with England form the United Kingdom) to make the proclamation.
The Proclamation is then cascaded to County, City, Borough and Parish level.
TV Licensing – Special dispensation for the Queen’s Funeral
Many communities may wish to come together and observe the funeral of Her Majesty The Queen and so the BBC is providing local communities a TV Licence dispensation. The dispensation will allow any communal setting where TV is not usually watched, such as town halls, community centres and libraries across the UK, to screen the live programmes without needing to purchase a licence.
The BBC want to reach out to communities and to those who are making arrangements to let them know that the dispensation is in place and therefore we welcome your support in making your service users aware.
By law, if live television or BBC iPlayer is viewed on any premises, those premises must be covered by a valid TV Licence. However, in exceptional circumstances, the BBC can grant a dispensation for the temporary viewing of television, so long as the viewing is for the sole purpose of screening an event which is judged by the BBC to be of national importance.

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II