A to Z of Council Services
- A to Z of Services
- A to Z recycling index
- About the Council
- Accessibility and document readers
- Acupuncture licence
- Advice and support
- Affordable Housing
- Affordable Warmth
- Air quality
- Alcohol and entertainment licences
- Alcohol consumption in public places
- Allerdale and Lakeland Lottery
- Allerdale Borough Council Climate Change Action Plan
- Allerdale Borough Council governance archive
- Allerdale Investment Partnership
- Allerdale Waste Services
- Allhallows Parish Council Community Governance Review
- Animal boarding licence
- Animal licences
- Annual canvass
- Annual Monitoring Reports and Five Year Land Supply
- Anti-slavery charter
- Appeal a Penalty Charge Notice ('parking fine')
- Apply for a job at the Council
- Apply for a taxi driver licence
- Apply for a taxi vehicle licence
- Apply for building control approval
- Apply for Housing Benefit online
- Apply for it
- Apply for planning permission
- Applying for planning permission
- Are You Homeless?
- Armed Forces Covenant
- Article Four directions
- ASB case review
- Assurance, risk and audit
- Asylum and immigration
- Bathing water and algal blooms
- Becoming a Councillor
- Benefit Calculator
- Benefits
- Benefits Privacy Notice
- Bereavements
- Bin request forms
- Biodiversity Net Gain Guidance
- Book a building control inspection
- Borough election result 2015
- Borough election result 2019
- Borough, parish and town council by-election results
- Boundary review
- Brexit
- Broughton Parish Council Governance Review
- Brownfield register
- Budget Advice
- Budget and spending
- Building Control
- Bulky item collection service
- Business rates (NNDR)
- Business rates - payments
- Business rates reliefs and exemptions
- Business support
- Business support and finance
- Car park locations
- Car park permits
- Caravan and camping site licence
- CCTV privacy notice
- Cemeteries in Allerdale
- Census 2021
- Change of address
- Check your bin collection day
- Christmas recycling advice
- Cleaning Allerdale
- Climate change
- Climate change action plan
- Climate change action plan: activity list
- Climate change action plan: baseline data
- Climate change action plan: current council actions
- Climate change action plan: in summary
- Climate change action plan: the global implications
- Climate change action plan: the local impacts
- Climate Change Checklist
- Cockermouth Neighbourhood Development Order
- Committee meeting calendar
- Communications
- Community advice and assistance
- Community advice and safety
- Community Governance Reviews
- Community Housing Fund
- Community Led Housing Fund Application
- Community Right to Bid
- Community Right to Bid bidding process
- Community Right to Bid nomination process
- Community Right to Challenge
- Community safety
- Community Safety Partnership
- Conservation Area SPD
- Conservation areas
- Conserving the natural and historic environment
- Constitution
- Consultations
- Contact Us
- Contracts and spending
- Cooling towers
- Coronavirus
- Coronavirus: business support grants
- Coronavirus: community help
- Coronavirus: Council Tax, benefits and financial support
- Coronavirus: Guidance for food establishments providing takeaways
- Coronavirus: information and advice for businesses
- Coronavirus: mental health support
- Coronavirus: opening guidance
- Coronavirus: shopping and visiting safely
- Coronavirus: waste services
- Cost of living - help and support
- Council and Democracy
- Council committee meetings
- Council committees
- Council decisions
- Council news releases
- Council strategy
- Council Tax
- Council Tax Appeals
- Council Tax Bandings
- Council Tax discounts
- Council Tax discounts and exemptions
- Council Tax Levels
- Council tax online account
- Council Tax Privacy Notice
- Council Tax Rebate FAQs
- Council Tax reduction for disabled people
- Council Tax reduction if on a low income
- Councillor allowances
- Councillor Code of Conduct and Standards
- Councillor details
- Cultural Strategy for West Cumbria
- Cumberland Council elections
- Cumbria Local List
- Customer service standards
- Damp & Mould
- Dangerous and wild animal licence
- Dangerous structures & buildings reports
- Data Protection & Freedom of Information
- Data Protection (GDRP) individual rights form
- Data Protection and GDPR
- Declaration of local connection
- Developer contributions SPD
- Difficulty paying Council Tax
- Difficulty paying your bill
- Direct Debit - Business Rates
- Discounted Sale
- Discretionary Housing Payment
- Discretionary Housing Payment
- Do I need building control?
- Do I need planning permission?
- Dog breeding licence
- Dogs in public places
- Doing business with the Council
- Domestic Homicide Reviews
- Drainage
- Drinking water
- Dust
- e-Petitions
- Easter recycling advice
- Economic Recovery and Growth Strategy
- Elected Members privacy notice
- Election results
- Elections
- Elections in May 2021
- Electoral Services Privacy Notice
- Email newsletters
- Embleton and District Parish Council Community Governance Review
- Embleton Parish Council Governance Review
- Emergencies and severe weather
- Emergency helplines
- Employee privacy notice
- Empty homes
- Environment
- Environmental permits
- Equality duty
- Equality profile
- EU Parliament elections May 2019
- Events
- Evidence Base Reports Since 2020
- Examination - Allerdale Local Plan (Part 2)
- Examination Library
- Fees and Charges
- Festival and events funding
- Find a home
- Find a park or open space
- Find a planning application
- Find out about planning enforcement
- Flooding
- Fly-tipping
- Focused consultation
- Food concessions
- Food hygiene
- Food hygiene and health & safety
- Food hygiene complaints
- Food hygiene inspections
- Food Hygiene Rating Scheme
- Food safety advice
- Forward Plan
- Free gazebo hire
- Freedom of Information
- Funding your event
- Health and safety
- Home
- Homelessness and Homelessness Prevention
- Homelessness and homelessness prevention documents
- Homelessness duty to refer & self-referral
- Hot weather
- Housing
- Housing Benefit
- Housing Benefit Appeals
- Housing Benefit Fraud
- Housing Benefit Non-Dependent Deductions
- Housing Benefit overpayments
- Housing for Older People in Allerdale
- Housing Grants
- Housing Options privacy notice
- Housing policies and strategies
- Housing Studies
- How to help Ukraine
- HUG2 Cumbria
- Land Charge searches
- Land Charges
- Land contamination
- Land pollution issues
- Landlord benefits account management
- Landlords and housing benefit
- Larger Bin Request
- Leisure centres
- Licences for collections
- Licensing and street trading
- Licensing public register
- Light pollution
- Lillyhall Development Order
- Listed buildings
- Local by-elections
- Local Code of Corporate Governance
- Local Development Scheme
- Local election results in May 2021
- Local Government Reorganisation
- Local history, heritage, travel and tourism
- Local Lettings Policy
- Local Plan (Part 1)
- Local Plan (Part 1) evidence base
- Local Plan (Part 2)
- Local Plan (Part 2) Submission
- Login to your myCumberland account
- M-Sport planning application sound recordings
- Main Modifications
- Major development list
- Manage your business rates account
- Manage your Council Tax account
- Markets
- Maryport Heritage Action Zone
- Maryport regeneration scheme
- Maryport Residential Conversion Scheme
- Maryport Town Council (Flimby) Review
- Mayor of Allerdale
- Mayor's role
- Member vacancies
- Member vacancy management
- MiPermit app
- Miscellaneous Payments
- Museums and galleries
- My Property
- Parish and town council results May 2019
- Parking
- Parking charges and ways to pay
- Parking enforcement regulations
- Parking fines (Penalty Charge Notices)
- Parking services charter
- Parks and open spaces
- Partner agents, architects and house builders
- Past history of the Maryport regeneration schemes
- Pavement licence
- Pay a penalty charge notice (parking fine)
- Pay a Penalty Charge Notice (Ref:AC)
- Pay a Penalty Charge Notice (Ref:AL)
- Pay a Penalty Charge Notice (Ref:LD)
- Pay business rates (NNDR)
- Pay council tax
- Pay ground rent
- Pay trade waste invoice
- Pay your Council Tax online
- Payments
- Performance
- Personal licence
- Pest control
- Pet shop licence
- Petitions
- Planning & building control
- Planning application search
- Planning applications currently being considered
- Planning applications in your area
- Planning breach complaint form
- Planning enforcement action
- Planning enforcement register search
- Planning policy
- Planning weekly list
- Pleasure craft
- Police and Crime Commissioner election results
- Political makeup of the Council
- Political structure of the Council
- Postal and proxy voting
- Pre-planning advice
- Pre-Submission Consultation
- Preferred options
- Premises licence
- Privacy policy
- Private hire operator licences
- Private Renting
- Private water supplies
- Procurement and Freedom of Information
- Public toilets
- Publication scheme
- Radiation
- Re-use of public sector information
- Rebate scheme
- Records retention schedule
- Recycling centres
- Refugees
- Register of Electors
- Registers of Interests – Town and Parish Councils
- Report a damaged litter bin
- Report a dead animal
- Report a missed bin
- Report a nuisance
- Report a possible breach of building control
- Report a problem in our car parks
- Report a stray dog
- Report a syringe
- Report an abandoned vehicle
- Report an overflowing litter bin
- Report dog mess
- Report domestic abuse
- Report fallen leaves
- Report fly tipping
- Report Graffiti
- Report It
- Report litter
- Reporting crime and anti-social behaviour
- Request a larger bin
- Resilient Communities Strategy
- Riding establishment licence
- Road Closure Orders
- Scrap metal licences
- Search
- Search the building control register
- Self Build and Custom House Building
- Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Grant
- Self-build Register - Information
- Senior management team
- Settlement Maps
- Sewage odours
- Sewers and drains
- Shared Ownership
- Ship sanitation inspections
- Sign up for Paperless Billing
- Site allocation process
- Small society lotteries
- Smoke
- Smoke control areas
- Smoke nuisance
- Social and Affordable Rented Housing
- Spending by the Council
- Sport in Allerdale
- Sport, leisure, arts and culture
- Sports development
- Sports development grant
- Sports pitches
- Staff login
- Statement of Accounts
- Statement of Community Involvement
- Statutory Nuisance, Accumulations, Property Nuisance and Filthy or Verminous Properties
- Street and house naming and numbering
- Street lighting
- Street trading and pedlars
- Sunday Trading
- Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD) & Guidance
- Supplier Database registration
- Syringes and other clinical waste
- Tattoo, piercing, electrolysis licences
- Taxi & private hire licensing
- Taxi driver licences
- Taxi licensing privacy notice
- Taxi vehicle licences
- Taxis - FAQs
- Temporary Event Notices
- The King's Coronation
- Town and Parish Council boundaries
- Town and Parish Council contact details
- Town and parish elections in May 2023
- Town Facelift Scheme
- Trade waste quote request
- Trade waste services
- Translation services
- Transparency code
- Tree management and ownership
- Trees and hedges
- Ward boundaries
- Waste and recycling
- Waste and recycling policy
- Waste services privacy notice
- Water
- Website disclaimer
- Website Help and Guide
- What are business rates?
- What does my Council Tax pay for?
- What happens to your recycling?
- Which rubbish, which bin?
- Whistleblowing policy
- Wind Energy SPD
- Windy weather
- Winscales Parish Council Governance Review
- Working for Cumberland Council
- Workington Levelling Up Fund
- Workington Nature Partnership
- Workington sports village plans
- Workington Town Centre SPD
- Workington Town Council governance review
- Workington Town Fund