Homelessness support in Allerdale during coronavirus
People who are homeless – or are at risk of becoming homeless – are being reassured by Allerdale Borough Council’s housing options team that the authority will continue doing everything it can to offer support to those who need it during the coronavirus situation.
The team is working hard to continue to find suitable housing options for those who are homeless, while trying to identify people who are sleeping rough on the streets of Allerdale.
Those who require support are asked to call the housing options’ phone number 01900 702660 (or 0303 123 1702 out of hours) if possible.
The council’s key priorities in regards to housing at this time are to:
• Continue to provide a 24/7 homelessness service (the support outside of office hours is for those in an emergency/at immediate risk)
• Support those in temporary housing
• Have direct access to social housing, or private rented housing as short/long term housing and at short notice
• Work flexibly to support those who have complex needs and challenges
• Work with key partners to find solutions with minimum disruption to support people into housing
• Access other forms of temporary accommodation, where required, such as hotels in line with Government guidelines
• Ensure that we can prevent bed blocking and can move people on from hospital as soon as possible
Marion Fitzgerald, Executive member for policy, governance and people resources, said:
“It is crucial that we work in partnership with our local housing providers, private sector housing providers and key agencies to ensure that we can support vulnerable people, and to ensure that they are safe, and can, if needed, self-isolate.
“By working together with our partners it will enable us to alleviate the challenges in freeing up homes for those who are homeless and rough sleeping, as it is these people who are more likely to be at risk due to underlying health conditions.
“Since the Covid-19 outbreak we have been working with our Registered Housing Providers, who we thank for being supportive and flexible in helping us to deliver an emergency service and under such difficult circumstances.”
For a temporary period the council has agreed to temporarily suspend choice-based lettings (through the Cumbria Choice website) in our area to allow us to work more flexibly in getting the most vulnerable people in our area into some form of housing.
If you are homeless or in need of advice about homelessness please do not hesitate to contact our service. Please note, the out of hours service is for those in an emergency.
All information is available at https://www.allerdale.gov.uk/en/housing/homelessness/are-you-homeless/ or email: homelessness@allerdale.gov.uk.
- Telephone No: 01900 702660
- To contact us out of office hours (in an emergency) call 0303 123 1702.