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Allerdale Borough Council Climate Change Action Plan 

Update for 2022/23

In 2021, Allerdale Borough Council published its Climate change action plan . The Council set out its commitment to work towards net zero carbon from its estate and activities by 2030, and towards a net zero Cumbria by 2037.
The Climate Change Action Plan presented the commitments under seven sections and included both the Council’s operations and wider community activity. The plan was designed to develop over time and allow for the transition to a single Cumberland Council Climate Change Plan from 2023. Work is underway to align carbon baselining, accounting methodologies and other activities, with district councils sharing best practice and establishing priorities for 2023 onwards. This 22/23 update also supports the Council’s recently published Delivery Plan for 22/23, which commits Allerdale to: 

  • Implementation of the Climate Change Action Plan: including establishing a carbon baseline for some of our buildings and a pilot of EV charging points in our carparks;
  • LGR Programme delivery: collaborating across all relevant workstreams and packages including climate change and waste; 
  • Deliver strategic green infrastructure and biodiversity projects and encourage environmental volunteering; and,
  • Explore options to roll out additional doorstep recycling facilities to households that do not currently have a full suite of recycling options.

Some of our successes 2021/22

Allerdale became ‘Carbon Literate’

Allerdale supported 59 staff members to learn the basics of climate science and how they could consider climate change in their own work. Staff from a range of areas were encouraged to look at building a plan to reduce emissions in their own sphere of influence for the benefit of the wider community.
If you or your organisation would like to become ‘Carbon Literate’ or undertake other climate positive training, details can be found at: .

Andrew Seekings

Chief Executive of Allerdale Borough Council said:

"The course set out why action on climate change is needed now and what we can do as individuals and businesses to make a difference. It was based on an understanding that not all of us can take every action, inhibited by our ability to change for various reasons, but instead, raises your consciousness to make you want to do something, whatever is right for you or your organisation, and helps you think through the practical steps involved."

Andrew Seekings

Andrew Seekings

Allerdale widened access to Climate Change Funds for our community

Allerdale worked in partnership to provide seed funding to Zero Carbon Cumbria Community Climate Grants to support areas or communities that have not previously had access to funds to develop projects.  The 21/22 grants included: Sustainable Keswick - for publicity, stalls and a Climate Café, and Melbreak Makers – for creative workshops on upcycling, repurposing and reusing.

If you would like to apply for a small (£250-£700), medium (£700-£2000) or larger (up to £10,000) grant for your community initiative, information can be found on the Cumbria Action for Sustainability website .

Sustainable Keswick

“Sustainable Keswick is a long-standing group which brings together local people to take action to tackle the climate crisis.  It’s essential that we keep expanding our network of supporters to raise awareness of the climate emergency and the part we can play in providing a solution.  We are grateful for funding support which will enable us to reach out to more local residents through market stalls and climate conversation cafes.” 

Glenis Postlethwaite

From Melbreak Makers said:

“At the first session there were lots of ideas for future workshops...if one can get them all talking it is amazing what the outcome is and the realisation that one can use existing materials and make them into something different and useful.  I'm not religious but I do understand how...was it 5,000? were fed with five loaves and three fishes!”

Zero Carbon Cumbria Community Climate Grants

Zero Carbon Cumbria Community Climate Grants

Community Climate Grants

Community Climate Grants

Allerdale successfully bid for Green Homes Grant LAD2 Funding

Allerdale widely promoted the Government’s LAD2 (Local Authority Delivery and Home Upgrade Grant) scheme to improve local homes. The Council targeted areas where the energy efficiency of homes was below an EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) rating of D. Over 5000 letters were sent out, which yielded an overwhelming response for the scheme from local people. Retrofit assessment and installations are now ongoing across the borough. The Council also successfully bid for the LAD3 and HUGS scheme, which will commence in the summer of 2022, and worked in partnership with Home Group Ltd on the Social Housing Decarbonisation Funding bid.  


In addition, the Council are working with one of the local registered providers to improve thermal comfort within their social housing properties. 

Andrea Smith

Housing Manager, Allerdale Borough Council said:

“The Council has had a positive response from householders who are keen to engage with improving the thermal comfort of their homes through this scheme. Upgrading the properties should help to lower household energy bills, target the Government’s carbon ambitions, support clean growth and ensure homes are thermally comfortable, efficient and well-adapted to climate change. The scheme also supports economic resilience and a green recovery in response to the economic impacts of COVID19, and creates more local jobs.” 

Photovoltaic panels on a home

Photovoltaic panels on a home

Allerdale led the delivery of a new cycleway along Cumbria’s stunning Solway Coast 

The ‘Solway Coaster’ - a 14.1km cycle route between Allonby and Silloth - was opened on Clean Air Day in June 2021. Allerdale led on delivering the project on behalf of the Silloth-on-Solway Coastal Community Team (CCT), a mix of public, private and community partners. The path is aimed predominantly at cyclists, but the off-road sections are multi-functional and can accommodate pedestrians.

Cllr Tony Markley,

Executive member for Leisure and Tourism said:

“Through our 10-year Council Strategy we’re committed to doing our bit to help address climate change and promoting healthy, sustainable travel such as cycling will help us with that aim. This cycleway will be a great asset to the area and provide a fantastic facility for local people to get active. It will also add to the brilliant tourism offering we have in Allerdale and we look forward to welcoming to visitors onto the route.” 

Solway Coaster

Solway Coaster

Allerdale published its ‘Biodiversity Net Gain Guidance’ to improve our natural environment

Allerdale Borough Council published this guidance document which aims to promote the benefits of delivering biodiversity net gain as part of new development and to support developers to do this. It is intended that this document will be updated on a regular basis as good practice develops.

To view the Biodiversity Net Gain Guidance document click here .

Cllr Marion Fitzgerald,

Deputy Leader and Executive Member (Policy, Governance and People Resources) said:

"Preserving and enhancing our biodiversity and the natural environment is key to delivering sustainable development and combatting the long term impact of climate change. Publication of this guidance by Allerdale Borough Council will help to deliver this."

Biodiversity at Allerdale House

Biodiversity at Allerdale House

Allerdale reduced the carbon impact of its domestic waste collection services

Allerdale worked with our waste service provider to improve the efficiency of collection rounds; allowing one refuse vehicle to be retired whilst maintaining the level of service.

Charles Holmes, 

Managing Director of Allerdale Waste Services said:

"We recognise the importance that collecting waste and recycling has in cutting carbon emissions, as a part of the waste hierarchy to reduce, reuse and recycle what we consume. We also recognise that the collection of waste & recycling produces carbon through operating our collection vehicles. We are therefore always looking at ways in which we can reduce our use of vehicles and mileage to lower our carbon footprint.   


This year we have reorganised the way that we collect waste & recycling, which has led to an overall reduction of 1 vehicle in our fleet. This reduction is estimated to lower our carbon footprint by approximately 5,000 Kg per annum. We are keen to continue to see how we can further lower our carbon footprint whilst continuing to encourage people and businesses to reduce, reuse and recycle the waste they generate."

Allerdale waste vehicles with the reduction of 1 vehicle

Allerdale waste vehicles with the reduction of 1 vehicle

Allerdale Borough Council created pollinator havens and helped to “Get Cumbria Buzzing”

Led by Cumbria Wildlife Trust, with funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, “Get Cumbria Buzzing” has been an ambitious 3-year, landscape-scale project to enhance and create new wildflower-rich habitat for the benefit of pollinating insects. With the project’s focus being West Cumbria, Allerdale Borough Council has been a key partner and has transformed a network of sites into pollinator havens, along the coast from Harrington to Maryport.

Read more on the Cumbria Wildlife Trust 'Get Cumbria Buzzing' webpage. 

Steve Doyle,

Butterfly Conservation representative said:

“We have created a network of sites which are all within connectivity range - a wildlife corridor which is essential for populations of pollinating insects to survive long-term and be genetically much stronger. Thanks to “Get Cumbria Buzzing” and the fantastic efforts of all our volunteers, pollinators are in a much better place than they were three years ago. The project has been an amazing success and the best way to justify my words is to get out there and see for yourselves - it will take your breath away if the wind does not do it first. That's all for now - the sun is shining, and I need to get back outside again!”
Get Cumbria Buzzing

Get Cumbria Buzzing

Pollinator haven

Pollinator haven

Targets for 2022-23 

All sections of Allerdale Borough Council (ABC) will continue to deliver against the activities set out in the Climate Change Action Plan. The following specific areas will be measured to report on in-year progress for 2022-23. Stay up to date with our environmental news by signing up to our newsletter .

Allerdale Borough Council's action plan
ActionTarget for 2022/23MeasureTimescale
A: Growing the Zero and Low Carbon EconomyA8: Provide and co-ordinate training on climate change for staff and members, particularly frontline staffProvide at least 25 additional ABC staff & elected members with Carbon Literacy Training in 22/23ABC staff & elected members receiving Carbon Literacy Training in 22/23Apr 23
B: Retrofitting homes and buildings to reduce consumption and emissionsB7: Review energy use and plan for energy efficiencies in Council buildingsProduce a full and expanded corporate carbon emissions report for year 21/22ABC corporate carbon emissions report 21/22 publishedOct 22
Review corporate carbon accounting scopes and methodology with Carlisle and Copeland CouncilsCumberland Council corporate carbon emissions data 21/22 reviewedApr 23
B8b: Review energy suppliers for Council building and seek to move towards 100% supply from ‘green’ sources or suppliers100% RE tariff adopted by Cumberland Council in 2023Joint recommendation for 100% RE tariff submitted in 22/23Apr 23
C: Decarbonising transportC3: Work with main partners to achieve reduction in energy use and greenhouse gases in the delivery of Council servicesDevelop a joint approach to fleet decarbonisation with Carlisle, Copeland and Cumbria Councils in 22/23Joint approach to fleet decarbonisation developed in 22/23Apr 23
C4: Maximise benefits of projects by partnersInstall new publicly available EV on ABC-owned land in 22/23New EV charging points installed on ABC land in 22/23Oct 22
D: Planning to deliver Zero Carbon development that protects and enhances natureD1b: Regularly review planning policies to incorporate sustainable development taking into account the needs and character of the area through the Local Plan10% of major development planning decisions have biodiversity net gain in 22/23Major development planning decisions that have biodiversity net gain in 22/23Apr 23
E: Reducing waste and encouraging sustainable consumptionE2b: Offer spare or replaced items to community groups and voluntary organisationsWork with CVS to develop a scheme for public sector/community reuse in Allerdale in 22/23Reuse scheme developed, publicised, and operating in AllerdaleOct 22
E7: Improve recycling knowledge and practices in Allerdale (incl. bulky waste, home composting & effects of food choices on climate change)Increase subscription rates to the quarterly e-newsletter by at least 2% per month in 22/23Increase the subscription rate to the quarterly e-newsletter in 22/23Apr 23
E8: Extend provision of doorstep recycling facilities in accordance with annual programmeProperties added to recycling collection round in 22/23Apr 23
F: Restoring nature for allF3b: Promote biodiversity by identifying areas of land for tree plantingAllocate 4ha of ABC owned land for Coastal Forest in 22/23ABC-owned land allocated for Coastal Forest in 22/23Apr 23
Plant at least 2000 trees (incl. large shrubs) to help mitigate climate change on ABC land in 22/23Trees planted on ABC land in 22/23Apr 23
F3d: Promote biodiversity by promoting/ developing more ‘Get Cumbria Buzzing/Planting for Pollinators’ sitesContribute to the creation of at least 4 new wildflower meadows in Allerdale in 22/23Wildflower meadows created in Allerdale in 22/23Apr 23
G: Developing local authority funding, governance and accounting systems that are fit for purposeG2d: Develop a funding strategy including assessing, readiness to apply for and utilising grant funding schemes as these become availableProduce an initial roadmap of corporate decarbonisation opportunities in ABC buildings and leased assets (incl. leisure centres) in 22/23Initial roadmap of ABC decarbonisation opportunities producedApr 23