Over 100 attendees benefit from Northside Community Event
There was a big thumbs up from the residents of Northside for Allerdale Local Focus Hub’s community event which was held last Thursday (12 January 2023).
Representatives from the partnership spoke with over 100 members of the public, providing advice and guidance surrounding issues including housing, homelessness, financial advice, health and wellbeing, and the prevention of anti-social behaviour. There was also a focus on food and fuel hardship at the event.
Representatives from Allerdale Borough Council, Castles and Coasts, Cumbria County Council, Cumbria Police, Cumbria Fire & Rescue Service, Active Cumbria, Allerdale Community Development, Cumbria Family Support Network, Active Cumbria, the DWP, and Family Action were all in attendance at the event.
They were joined by representatives from Workington Town Rugby League Club, Workington Reds Football Club, and Workington Comets Speedway.
Managers and volunteers from Northside Community Centre kindly provided support at the event, preparing food and refreshments for attendees.
New Balance, Workington Reds, Workington Town, and Workington Speedway also provided free giveaways, such as clothing and season tickets.
Councillor Alan Pitcher, Allerdale Borough Council Executive Member with responsibility for Allerdale Local Focus Hub, said: “Delivering events like last Thursday’s community event at Northside is incredibly important. It’s great to see residents coming together in a community space to discuss the issues that matter to them.
“I would like to thank all the organisations associated with the Allerdale Local Focus Hub for delivering another engaging event for Allerdale residents.
“I would also like to thank Emma Thompson, for her tireless work in pulling events like this together. Emma cares a great deal about the communities across Allerdale, the attendance at the Northside event is proof of her efforts”.
Allerdale Borough Council’s Senior Manager for Community Safety and Resilience, Emma Thompson, said: “I’m delighted to see how successful last Thursday’s event was. We estimate that over 100 attendees benefitted from the advice and guidance available at the event.
“Attendees were able to benefit from free wellbeing packs, dental packs, food, toiletries, and clothing. It was excellent to see so many people in the community centre, benefitting from the expertise and guidance of representatives from the Allerdale Local Focus Hub and its partners.
“I’m blown away by the support provided by all of the organisations involved in the partnership. The working partnership we have formed has been incredibly effective, particularly when delivering events like this, and the Operation Respect community events we delivered in summer last year. I look forward to seeing the great initiatives we can deliver for Allerdale residents going forward.”
All partners involved in the delivery of the event will be reviewing the feedback left by the attendees to ensure services are directed to where they are needed most.
All partners involved in the event would like to thank the residents of Northside for their comments and suggestions.