Infrastructure Funding Statement
The Council is required to produce an Infrastructure Funding Statement to summarise the details of s106 Agreements attached to planning permissions in each year; s106 Agreements secure contributions towards necessary infrastructure to accommodate new development.
The Statement will identify:
- new s106 Agreements signed in the monitoring year;
- money received by the Council from s106 Agreements;
- money which has been spent by the Council on infrastructure projects;
- money which the Council has received from s106 Agreements but is still to spend it on infrastructure projects; and
- any non-financial contributions detailed in s106 Agreements (including affordable homes).
As the requirement to produce a Statement was introduced on 1st September 2019, the first Infrastructure Funding Statement covers the period 1st April 2019-31st March 2020. The Statement will be updated annually and published on the Council’s website.
To support the Statement, the Council is required to publish a set of Excel documents to identify the developer agreements, the contributions received and the transactions which took place in the monitoring year. The data within these spreadsheets is provided under the Open Government License and can be found below: