Cockermouth Neighbourhood Development Order (NDO)
Allerdale Borough Council made the Cockermouth Neighbourhood Development Order on 10 September 2014 following a positive referendum result. The Order expired on 9 September 2017, but this information has been retained on the website for information purposes.
More information on the development, publicity, examination of the NDO and the public referendum that was held in July 2014 can be found on the archive page.
What was the Cockermouth Neighbourhood Development Order?
The Cockermouth Neighbourhood Development Order grants automatic planning permission for specific forms of development within specified areas of the town.
What areas does the Cockermouth Neighbourhood Development Order cover and what types of development are granted automatic planning permission?
Area 1: Market Place
This is aimed at developing a new role for Market Place as an area for leisure and entertainment. The types of development granted automatic planning permission are:
(a) The change of use of ground floor commercial properties within Market Place to restaurants, cafes and bars
(b) The change of use of designated land within the public highway on Market Place for the seated consumption of food and/or beverages.
In relation to (a), only the change of use of the property is permitted. The NDO does not permit any external alterations. Consent for any internal or external works would also need to be obtained if the property is a Listed Building.
Area 2: Main Street and Station Street
This is aimed at creating new housing in the town centre and enhancing the primary shopping areas. The types of development granted automatic planning permission are:
(a) The change of use of upper floors above shops and offices along Main Street and Station Street to create a maximum of four residential flats.
(b) The replacement of shopfronts along Main Street and Station Street within the existing openings that replicate the designs and detailing illustrated in the associated design guide
In relation to (a), only the change of use of the property is permitted. The NDO does not permit any external alterations, such as the installation of external staircases, for example. Consent for any internal or external works would also need to be obtained if the property is a Listed Building. In relation to (b) consent for replacement shopfronts would also still need to be obtained if the property is a Listed Building.
Area 3: Crown Street, Derwent Street, Fletcher Street, Horsman Street and New Street
This is aimed at visually enhancing the conservation area of the town. The types of development granted automatic planning permission are:
(a) The installation of replacement windows that replicate the designs and detailing illustrated in the associated design guide
(b) The installation of replacement front doors that replicate the designs and detailing illustrated in the associated design guide
In relation to (a) and (b) the NDO does not permit any other external alterations to properties such as the modification of existing window or door openings, rendering and re-roofing, for example.
Want to know more?
If you have any questions about the Neighbourhood Development Order you can contact our Planning Policy team .