Workington Town Centre Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
Workington Town Centre Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) was adopted by the Council on 3rd March 2021.
The SPD provides a framework to guide development in Workington town centre which will promote regeneration, encourage investment into the area, and facilitate positive change. It supports policies within the Allerdale Local Plan (Parts 1 and 2), particularly those that seek to enhance town centre vitality and viability, and promote and protect Workington's role as West Cumbria's principal retail and leisure destination.
The adopted SPD is now a material planning consideration in the determination of relevant planning applications.
A public consultation on a draft version of the SPD took place between 22nd October 2020 and 04 December 2020, and amendments were made in response to representations received. The Consultation statement below includes a summary of the comments received and the Council’s response to them. The SPD has also been screened to determine whether a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is required.
- Strategic Environmental Assessment and Habitats Regulations Screening Report
- Consultation Statement
- Equality Impact Assessment Screening Report