Main Modifications Consultation has now closed
Main Modifications Consultation
Allerdale Borough Council
Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004
The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012
Allerdale Local Plan (Part 2) (Site allocations)
The Council submitted the Allerdale Local Plan (Part 2) for Examination in January 2019 and public hearings were held during May 2019. As a result of representations received and the public hearings a number of amendments are proposed to the Local Plan (Part 2). The proposed changes are set out in the Schedule of Main Modifications.
The Schedule of Main Modifications and changes to the Policies Maps, and the updated Sustainability Appraisal and Habitat Regulations Assessment are available to view between 9am to 5pm Monday to Thursday and 9am to 4:30pm on Fridays at the Council's offices at Allerdale House, Workington.
The documents can also be viewed at the following venues during their normal office hours:
Aspatria Library and Local Link: The Brandraw, Aspatria, CA7 3EZ
Cockermouth Library and Customer Services Centre: Main Street, Cockermouth, CA13 9LU
Maryport Customer Services Centre: Town Hall, Senhouse Street, Maryport, CA15 6BH
Maryport Library: Lawson Street, Maryport, CA15 6ND
Silloth Library: The Discovery Centre, Liddell Street, Silloth, CA7 4DD
Wigton Library: High Street, Wigton CA7 9PE
Wigton Local Link Community Office: Market Hall, Wigton, CA7 9AA
Workington Library: Vulcans Lane, Workington,, CA14 2ND
The documents and comments forms are also available to view by clicking the link below:
Representations are now invited on the Main Modifications and changes to the Policies Map only and no other aspects of the plan. There is no need to repeat previous representations
Representations must be made in writing, using the comments form, and sent either by email or post to:
Planning Policy, Allerdale Borough Council, Allerdale House, Workington CA14 3YJ
Representations must be received by no later than 4pm Friday 1 November 2019.
Representations may be accompanied by a request to be notified of the publication of the Inspector's report and the adoption of the local plan (Part 2).
What is the Main Modifications Consultation?
The council submitted the Allerdale Local Plan (Part 2) to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government for examination in January 2019, and public hearings were held during May 2019 to assess the plan for legal compliance and soundness. As a result of representations received and following the public hearings a number of amendments are proposed to the plan.
The proposed changes are set out in the Schedule of Main Modifications. The Planning Inspector who conducted the hearings has asked that the Schedule of Main Modifications be subject to a six week period of consultation; all representations on the modifications will be forwarded to the Inspector who will consider them prior to issuing his report on the plan.
The council is now seeking representations on the Main Modifications and changes to the Policies Map only, and no other aspects of the plan. The associated updated Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulations Assessment are also available as part of the consultation.
Consultation Documents
Electronic versions of the consultation documents are available below:
Schedule of Main Modifications (September 2019)
Schedule of Map Modifications and associated Maps (September 2019)
Sustainability Appraisal (SA) Addendum September 2019
Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) Update September 2019
Additional supporting documentation
Schedule of Minor Modifications
The Allerdale Local Plan (Part 2) Pre-Submission Consultation Document October 2018
Track Changes Version of Local Plan
Map Book (October 2018) Can be found in the Examination Library in the Core Documents Section reference CD3-CD3d
Sustainability Appraisal (SA) September 2018
Sustainability Appraisal Appendix 1 Original Sept 2018
Sustainability Appraisal Appendix 2 Original Sept 2018
Sustainability Appraisal Appendix 3 Original Sept 2018
Sustainability Appraisal Appendix 4 Original Sept 2018
Sustainability Appraisal-Non Technical summary September 2018
Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) September 2018
Main Modifications Consultations legal Notice
Hard copies of the documents can also be viewed at the following venues during their normal office hours:
Aspatria Library & Local Link: The Brandraw, Aspatria, CA7 3EZ
Cockermouth Library & Customer Services Centre: Main Street, CA13 9LU
Maryport Customer Services Centre: Town Hall, Senhouse Street, CA15 6BH
Maryport Library: Lawson Street, Maryport, CA15 6ND
Silloth Library: The Discovery Centre, Liddell Street, Silloth, CA7 4DD
Wigton Library: High Street, Wigton, CA7 9PE
Wigton Local Link Community Office: Market Hall, Wigton, CA7 9AA
Workington Library: Vulcans Lane, Workington, CA14 2ND
How can people respond?
The consultation runs from 20 September 2019 until 4pm on 1 November 2019. Consultation responses should be submitted in writing using the representation forms below:
Representation form HRA and SA PDF
Representation Form HRA and SA Word
The forms can also be obtained from Allerdale Borough Council Customer Services Centres or libraries. Completed forms should be returned to:
By post: Planning Policy, Allerdale Borough Council, Allerdale House, Workington CA14 3YJ.
By email:
If you are seeking to make representations on the way in which the council has prepared the published Local Plan (Part 2), it is likely that your comments of support or objection will relate to a matter of legal compliance.
If it is the actual content on which you wish to support, or object to, it is likely that this will relate to the soundness of the plan and whether it is positively prepared, justified, effective or consistent with national policy. In relation to the current consultation, comments regarding the soundness should only be submitted where they relate to the proposed Main Modifications.
Positively prepared: This means that the Local Plan should be prepared based on a strategy which seeks to meet objectively assessed development infrastructure requirements, including unmet requirements from neighbouring authorities where it is reasonable to do so and consistent with achieving sustainable development.
Justified:The Local Plan should be the most appropriate strategy when considered against reasonable alternatives, based on proportionate evidence.
Effective: The Local Plan should be deliverable over its period and based on effective joint working on cross-boundary strategic priorities.
Consistent with national policy: The Local Plan should enable the delivery of sustainable development in accordance with the policies in the NPPF.
Further copies of the representation forms and guidance can be obtained by contacting the planning policy department on:
Tel: 01900 702790
Address: Planning Policy, Allerdale Borough Council, Allerdale House, Workington, Cumbria, CA14 3YJ.