Our markets in the former Allerdale area
There are a number of regular markets in the borough that are run by the council which are in the former Allerdale area.
If you wish to sell on one of our markets, sign-up using the website form further down the page (underneath the maps). Competition is often strong, especially on Keswick market, so there may be a waiting list.
To contact markets manager Phil Byers by email or call 07753934540 .
Can't get to our markets? You can still buy from your favourite trader through our virtual market.
Where and when are our markets?
Keswick Market
Thursdays and Saturdays (all day)
Some 65 to 70 stalls our popular market in Keswick selling all sorts of things including food, clothes and homeware, has won awards from the National Association of British Market Authorities.
Workington Market
Wednesday and Saturday (all day)
The market boasts a variety of stalls offering goods such as clothing, workwear, footwear, plants and flowers, fruit and veg and hot and cold takeaway food.
Silloth Market
Every Thursday (Easter to October)
There are many types of goods on offer at Silloth market including fresh fruit and vegetables, plants and flowers, confectionary and home baked cakes.
Wigton Market
Every Friday (all day)
There are many types of goods on offer at Wigton market including fresh fruit and vegetables, plants and flowers, confectionery and home baked cakes.
Apply to sell at one of our markets
If you wish to set up a stall at one of our markets, submit your details on our online form .
Setting up your own market
To hold your own market you will need to get a market licence from us. The council, by virtue of its statutory powers, enjoys market rights throughout the area and is in a position to consider applications for market events. The council's consent to a market event must be given before the market takes place.
Markets will only be licensed once an application for a markets licence has been approved, signed by the council and the market operator and the appropriate fee received by the council. Any market that takes place without such a licence is in breach of the council's markets policy and may be subject to enforcement action.
Download the market licence application form
Return the form to the markets manager at Allerdale House in Workington. We will reply within 20 working days.
It is important that in addition to obtaining a markets licence you also secure any other relevant approvals / consents in respect of the holding of the market. This may include planning approval or other statutory operational requirements such as a licence to sell alcohol . It is also important that you have the approval of the owner of the land on which it is proposed to hold the market. You can get more information on staging an event on our events page.
A market will comprise of not less than five stalls, stands, vehicles, whether moveable or not, or pitches from which articles are sold and normally there will be a range of different sellers.
Car boot sales, antique and craft markets, general markets, food markets, farmers' markets, charitable markets and markets held as part of a bigger event all fall within the remit of the Markets Policy adopted by the council. If you wish to operate a market within the area it will be necessary to obtain a markets licence from the council. To enable the council to assess your application you must fully complete the application form and provide any supplementary information and documentation that is required.
Our markets policy
We are committed to maintaining the balance of markets throughout the borough and ensuring that there is consistency in the way that markets are operated. We have therefore decided to implement a Markets Policy which sets out the basis upon which markets are held and the process by which applications for markets will be considered.
Download the Markets Policy (this document is not suitable for users of assistive technology)