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Climate Change Action Plan: activity list

We want to create thriving resilient economy that supports a fair transition to Net Zero Carbon, through communication, training and skills, support for businesses and a procurement approach that influences the emissions of supply chains and products.  We encourage bold use of technology to decarbonise our operations.






Reduction in the impact of climate change on our services and community

Assess the risk associated with climate change for the Council Services and our communities and produce plan to adapt accordingly


Review council policies and strategies to consider impact of climate change

Ensure climate change actions are reflected in both existing and any new strategies and policies


Develop a stakeholder engagement strategy

Devise a programme in conjunction with partners for:

  1. stakeholders
  2. Council members
  3. businesses particularly including tourism and farming
  4. the community to raise awareness of climate change, potentially addressing different age groups through targeted campaigns
  5. engagement with young people’s groups
  6. further engagement with schools to include aspects of climate change in Council’s education delivery
  7. communications strategy for the work of the group


Work with key partners

  • develop and deliver strategic projects which deliver best practices on sustainable development.
  • develop plans to address the causes and impact of climate change according to local priorities


Support the work of the network of local partnerships in raising awareness of climate change in Cumbria

  • participate in the Zero Carbon Cumbria Partnership including working closely with other Cumbrian authorities
  • work with Zero Carbon Cumbria Partnership on citizen engagement projects
  • encourage community groups to engage with the Council’s climate change task groups around specific areas of interest


Building relationships with and lobbying  the area’s three MPs

Preparation for COP26 as a priority in working towards improvements


Increased skills in local workforce to implement changes

  1. better understanding among Council officers of climate change implementation
  2. sufficiently skilled local workforce to resource necessary changes


Provide and co-ordinate training on climate change for staff and members, particularly front line staff

Introduce programme of carbon literacy training as soon as possible and awareness raising (ongoing)


Inward investment in renewables energies and other ‘green job’ opportunities

Support large scale projects

A10Work with neighbouring councils to ensure contiguous approaches across all activities and communitiesThese include those on the boundaries of Carlisle City Council (Thursby, Kirkbride etc) and Eden (Hesket New Market, Millhouse) as such it will be worth connecting with the plans for Carlisle City Council and Eden District Council to share learning and action.

Key Partners / Stakeholder Groups

Action with Communities in Cumbria, Carlisle City Council, Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT), Climate Emergency West Cumbria (CEWC), Copeland Borough Council, Cumbria Action for Sustainability (CAfS), Cumbria County Council, Cumbria CVS, Cumbria Farmer Network, Cumbria LEP, Cumbria Youth Alliance, Cumbria Waste Carbon Reduction Group, DWP, Eden District Council, Friends of the Earth (FotE), MPs, schools and colleges, Sustainable Keswick (SusKes), town and parish councils, TWIG, Zero Carbon Cumbria Partnership (ZCCP).

We want to improve housing stock and the wider built environment to reduce carbon emissions, build resilience to future climate change, reduce fuel poverty and influence improved living conditions.


Work with Cumbria Action for Sustainability (CAfS) to promote energy efficiencies in households

  • promote availability of energy saving measures in homes in conjunction with CAfS 
  • promotion of government schemes to improve homes
  • promote full occupancy of homes
B2Running energy efficiency schemes
  • targeting deprivation and fuel poverty, including working with Housing Associations (HAs), environmental groups and other agencies
  • promotion of government schemes to improve homes
  • build knowledge through working with social housing providers
  • regularly run a collective energy switching scheme
B3Ensure Private Rented Accommodation in Allerdale does not have an EPC rating below an EEnforcement activity in accordance with the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard (MEES) regulations
B4Raise awareness of funding available for energy efficiencyImprove awareness amongst front line staff, visiting officers, Customer Service Advisors and partners
B5Encourage awareness of emissions from domestic heating sources
  • promote eco-friendly sources inc. ground and air source heat pumps and  PV options
  • promote awareness of emissions from log burners
  • work in conjunction with local community energy focused groups and organisations
B6Work with tenants, leases and occupants of Council owned buildings (GLL) to identify energy savingsOnce work to identify which buildings require work to address emissions is complete, begin to develop solutions
B7Review energy use and plan for energy efficiencies in Council buildings
  • identify potential for energy efficiencies and sustainability for operational buildings
  • produce prioritised action plan
  • implement prioritised action
  • replace (repair) footway lighting with LED as need arises until completed
  • explore the potential for an ‘invest to save’ project to replace existing lighting with LEDs
  • support parish councils wishing to participate in Dark Skies project complianc
B8Investigate the potential for installing renewable energy generation in existing or new Council buildings
  • establish a baseline of the current position and need for improvements (audit of estate)
  • explore potential for improvements initially at Allerdale House e.g. solar panels and other sources of energy creation, then other Council owned buildings
B9Review energy suppliers for Council building and seek to move towards 100% supply from ‘green’ sources or suppliersWork to ensure Council purchases of electricity and gas are from renewable sources
B10Engage with the Borderlands energy masterplanning workParticipate with other local authorities to develop solutions. 

Key Partners / Stakeholder Groups

CAfS, Cumbria County Council, Cumbria LEP, energy companies, Local Energy North West Hub, Melbreak Community Energy, social landlords and Housing Associations, Zero Carbon Cumbria Partnership.


We want to reduce traffic and shift to more sustainable modes of transport. This will lead to improvements in emissions, air quality, noise and safety.


C1Contribute to addressing wider community-based transport issue
  • transport savings by holding virtual meetings
  • lobbying for more bus services
  • Lift share apps
C2Review existing car user policy to identify sustainable travel incentives
  • consider staff pool bicycle scheme
  • continue supported purchase schemes for staff
  • encourage staff use of public transport
  • egularly promote sensible driving message to staff and members
C3Review existing car user policy to identify sustainable travel incentives

Particularly in relation to:

  • planning replacement of vehicles
  • encourage transition from petrol fuelled equipment to electric
  • Reducing distances and frequency of travel
C4Maximise benefits of projects by partners
  • Support projects such as Charge My Street (electric vehicle charge points)
  • Further promote Local Cycling and Walking Plans (LCWiPs)
C5Promote sustainable travel optionsWork with groups involved in promoting sustainable travel to support initiatives.

Key Partners / Stakeholder Groups

Allerdale Waste Services, Bicycle Mayor for Cumbria, CAfS, Charge My Street, Cumbria County Council, cyclists groups, Lake District National Park Authority (LDNPA), other initiatives - Liftshare (app), Slow Roads Network, Sustrans

We want to ensure that new development is carbon neutral, makes space for nature and links with walking and cycling routes to essential facilities.


a) Ensure forthcoming legislation is effectively implemented and supported within the authority

b) Regularly review planning policies to incorporate sustainable development taking into account the needs and character of the area through the Local Plan

c) Ensure robust strategies are in place to support legislation

d) Ensure interdepartmental coordination enables continuous improvement

a) i. Ensure all senior managers are aware of the impacts of proposed legislation ii. Ensure the Council is able to service the requirements of implementing the proposed new planning requirements

b) Develop supplementary planning documents relating to biodiversity and environmental gains.

c) Continue to collaborate with other Cumbrian authorities on the draft local nature recovery strategy and ensure this is implemented when adopted.

d) Enable close communication between all relevant staff, particularly planning policy and development control in conjunction with parks and open spaces

D2Examine existing supplementary planning guidance for sustainable development and determine if any change is required to bring guidance in line with best practice

Consider if planning conditions can:

a) enable the commissioning of independent monitoring of planning applications as a condition of approval

b) require the installation of electric vehicle charge points in public facing developments

D3Promote higher building quality standards that include sustainable and green building principles

a) monitor use of pre-planning checklist

b) promote biodiversity support inc. swift bricks, hedgehog runs etc.

c) expand list and use of appropriate external organisations as consultees

D4Review existing main Council policies and consider making amendments to assist in tackling climate changeDevelopment and phasing in of ‘green clauses’ (such as requiring energy efficiency) into Council leases and rental contracts
D5Protect below market value (BMV) land to grow crops for local consumption.Local Plan policy S36 and para 329 page 142 sets out the principle of protection of most versatile agricultural land for food production.

Key Partners / Stakeholder Groups

Cumbria County Council, Cumbria Wildlife Trust, LDNPA, Local Government Association (LGA), Natural England, Workington Nature Partnership.

Potential future actions and activites
Carbon sequestration and/or off-setting (land based)Once the baseline figures for Council activities are established, consider potential activities towards carbon sequestration and/or off-setting
Carbon sequestration and/or off-setting (marine based)Work with partners to explore supporting carbon storage in the marine environment.

We aim to reduce waste and support sustainable consumption and production, through a more circular economy. We want to be bold in our use of technology to reduce resource use and greenhouse gas emissions.

Within Allerdale Borough Council estate:

E1a) Review departmental and central printing strategy b) Review potential for further reducing volume of paper for Committee work c) Consider extending the use of video conferencing

a) Encourage greater use of electronic devices by staff

b) Encourage greater use of electronic devices by staff and councillors

c) i. explore alternative methods and providers ii. Develop hybrid provision to allow combined in-person and virtual meetings

E2Continue re-use schemes when disposing of furniture/ equipment

a) Repair and extend life where possible

b) Offer spare or replaced items to community groups and voluntary organisations

E3Consider impact of on staff and the community in accessing and delivery of services at current and potential Council Centres.Review options for the delivery of Council services
E4Monitor working temperatures and other factors adversely affecting workforce.Ensure steps are taken to mitigate any changes in working conditions or wellbeing in Allerdale Borough Council workplaces.
E5Regularly review the Council’s Strategic Procurement Strategy to increase the purchase of sustainable goods and serviceEnsure any new aspects of climate change including legislation are incorporated into the Strategic Commissioning and Procurement Strategy
E6Review the Council’s use of outside caterers and include need for locally sourced food and reusable or recyclable utensils

a) choosing sustainable resources should be the intended choices

b) work in conjunction with the Grow Local Eat Local project (ZCCP).


Allerdale Borough Council residents and businesses:

We aim to reduce waste and support sustainable consumption and production, through a more circular economy. We want to discourage wasteful lifestyles that create environmental problems both here and abroad, on land and in the marine environment.

E7Improve recycling knowledge and practices in Allerdale including awareness of service

a) review trade waste options

b) review bulky waste collection and potential re-use system for furniture

c) review information on bin calendars

d) update Council website and information links

e) run PR campaign to raise awareness of facilities and services

f) promote repair, reuse and recycling in the community for example through initiatives such as Freegle and repair cafes

g) consider campaigns to engage the public based on these principles: rethink - reducing consumption refuse - saying no to environmentally unfriendly goods and services, including packaging reduce - reducing consumption of environmentally impactful purchases that you cannot live without recycle - finally, if the above options are not possible then look at the recycling options and ensure you recycle correctly

E8Extend provision of doorstep recycling facilities in accordance with annual programme

a) Work with Allerdale Waste Services to determine programme.

b) Address issues for areas of the borough not covered by current services

E9Minimisation of residual waste

a) continue to work on Tetra-Pak recycling scheme options

b) Investigate:

  • anaerobic digestion for food waste
  • Soft plastic recycling
  • electrical
  • Furniture
  • deposit return scheme (bottles)

c)promote Sustainable Food Action Plans

d) consider reduction in residual waste collection container volume in line with national initiative)

E10Minimisation of residual waste at source

a) raise awareness of staff and public on waste minimisation and recycling

b) work on a waste minimisation campaign

c) work to improve attitudes and actions regarding environmental crimes e.g. fly-tipping with a particular focus on identified hotspots

d) carry out educational campaigns to support the above

Key Partners / Stakeholder Groups

Allerdale Waste Services, BEC, businesses, CAfS, CEWC, Copeland Borough Council, Cumbria County Council, Cumbria LEP, Cumbria Strategic Waste Partnership, FotE, Freegle, refill initiative, repair cafes, schools and colleges, SusKes, town and parish councils, ZCC

We want to provide easy access to quality natural spaces, supporting wellbeing for individuals and communities. We want green spaces to have the co-benefits of providing natural potential for flood water slowing, carbon capture, flourishing insect friendly pollination areas and wildlife habitats, in addition to human focussed leisure facilities.

F1Nature reserves become sustainable

a) progress the Solway Coast AONB Management Plan

b) development of management plans for the Council’s nature reserves at Harrington and Siddick Ponds

F2Support for community focused projects

a) Encourage orchards & allotments

b) support development of horticultural businesses

c) develop a small grants scheme

d) complete the Allonby to Silloth coastal cycle path extension


Promote biodiversity by

a) planting to minimise maintenance/ links to biodiversity

b) identify areas of land for tree planting

c) encourage composting

d) promote/develop more Get Cumbria Buzzing sites

e) promote habitat restoration, particularly including saltmarsh and seagrass beds

f) Work with Cumbria Farmers Network to promote sustainable farming and improved environmental practice

a) change bedding plants to perennials; use peat free compost; introduce wildflower planting where viable and revise cutting timetable to encourage growth;reduce the use of Glyphosate as a general weed killer

b) work with the Woodland Trust and local groups such as TWIG; be part of the emerging Partnership project for a West Cumbria Community Coastal Forest

c) through promotional campaigns encourage citizens to engage in composting

d) i - work with Cumbria Wildlife Trust and local groups ii – work with town and parish councils

e) support local and community groups developing projects to restore or create habitats for biodiversity

f) develop relationship Cumbria Farmers Network

F4Reduction in overall flood riskPlanting to mitigate the effects by slowing the flow in rivers and streams
F5Reduce flood probability and severity

a) Continue to promote and ensure urban run-off through SUDS (sustainable urban drainage systems)

b) Work with United Utilities with regard to reviewing water management from Thirlmere

F6Explore carbon capture potentialThis would include both usage and storage
F7Explore hydrogen-related energy possibilitiesContinue to monitor the project research being undertaken for Cumbria LEP
F8Increased community awareness of climate change issues in AONB areaCommunication and community engagement
F9Prevent import of pests, diseases through local docksWork in collaboration to ensure adherence to legislation


Restoring Nature for All: Water, flooding and coastal change

We want to address water wastage and develop grey water systems. We want to work with partners to improve flood resilience, consider coastal erosion, shoreline management, improve biodiversity and address beach litter.



Implement results of trial using water saving devices in Council buildings and assess scope for extending

Improve ABC utilities supply/usage
F11Assess scope for reuse of grey water in Council buildings and prioritise for actionImprove ABC utilities supply/usage
F12Recognise the Council’s role in ensuring sufficient public water for agriculture, industry, council use including statutory duties with regard to private water supplies and improving water sanitation (SDG 6Work with Environment Agency, United Utilities, Cumbria County Council and other partners
F13Raise awareness of staff and community on water saving measures

a) develop goals to reduce water leakage, wastage

b) consider feasibility of installing rainwater and/or grey water recovery systems

F14Work to address coastal issues

a) Work with partners to support the implementation of the Cumbria Coastal Strategy

b) Work with partners to support the implementation of the Shoreline Management Plan

c) Work with partners and Cumbria County Council on coastal issues, particularly in relation to the B5300

d) Participate in the LGA Coastal Special Interest Group

F15Increase river and coastal flood resilience and safety

a) assess risk for people, livelihoods and prosperity

b) ensure access to flood-readiness information (for evacuation)

c) ensure access to flood-resilience and support information

d) Work closely with the EA and respective flood action groups throughout the borough

e) Assist EA and CCC with all flood alleviation methods including improving river defences NFM catchment management

F16Review beach cleaning activitiesWork with a range of groups to help clean beaches but of greater importance to ensure the profile of dirty beaches and how the public can help reduce this.
F17Support ongoing work with partners to address diffuse pollution and improve bathing water quality.Promote the benefits of domestic travel and blue spaces for recreation and health, in conjunction with initiatives such as LoveMyBeach and Active Coast.
F18Support ongoing action plan for Allonby as a priority bathing water.Ensure compliance with Sustainable Development Goals 4 and 14

Key Partners / Stakeholder Groups

Climate Emergency West Cumbria, CoBA (Coastal Based Approach) initiative, Cumbria County Council, Cumbria Lichens and Bryophyte Group, Cumbria Wildlife Trust, Cumbria Farmers Network, DEFRA, Environment Agency, Get Cumbria Buzzing, LDNPA, LGA Coastal Special Interest Group, ‘Love My Beach’, Marine Management Organisation (MMO), National Trust, Natural England, Northside Community Garden and Recreation Society, RSPB, Solway Coast AONB, Solway Firth Partnership, SusKes, TWIG, United Utilities, West Cumbria Rivers Trust, Woodland Trust, Workington Nature Partnership.

Council Strategy design

Cumberland Council

On 1 April 2023 local government in Cumbria changed, with Cumberland Council providing all your council services.  

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