Equality profile
In order to provide services which meet people's needs, it is important to know and understand the make-up of Allerdale's population.
The Cumbria Intelligence Observatory gives key equality statistics from the 2011 Census for Allerdale and the other Cumbrian districts. These help us to build up an equality profile for Allerdale.
Some equality information for Allerdale (2011 Census)
- The numbers of 0-15 year olds fell in Allerdale between 2001-2011 (and across all of Cumbria’s districts), whilst the numbers of residents aged over 65 rose in Allerdale between 2001-2011 by 17% - a higher rate of increase than the national average (+11%). The 16-64 population increased slightly in Allerdale between 2001-2011.
- Allerdale (and the whole of Cumbria’s) population is ageing faster than most of England and the district has slightly above average rates of disability. This is linked to ageing, but also people on long term out of work benefits.
- Cumbria’s Black and Minority Ethnic population remains one of the lowest in England, but has grown from 1.8% to 3% from 2001-11. Allerdale has the smallest proportion (2.4%) of residents from BME groups in Cumbria and the second highest rate of White British residents of any district nationally (97.6%).
- 28% of Allerdale's population is single (never been married) compared to 34.6% in England & Wales, 52% are married (46.6% in England & Wales) and 0.2% are part of a same-sex civil partnership (same as England & Wales). The number of married residents in Allerdale has fallen slightly between 2001 and 2011.
- 75.4% of Allerdale’s population stated their religion was Christianity (compared to 59.3% in England and Wales), with 17.3% stating that they had no religion. Other religions accounted for less than 1% of the population of Allerdale, much lower than England and Wales (8.4%).
- In the 2011 Census residents were asked if their day-to-day activities were limited because of a health problem or disability which has lasted, or is expected to last, at least 12 months. 10.1% in Allerdale reported that their day-to-day activities were limited a lot, and 10.7% reported that their day-to-day activities we limited a little. When compared to England & Wales, Allerdale has a slightly higher proportion of residents whose day-to-day activities are limited (Allerdale: 20.8%, England & Wales: 17.9%).
Other relevant equality information
- Allerdale has a population of 75 people per square kilometre compared with the northwest average of 480. 69.8% of people live in rural areas
- Allerdale lacks good transport links because many people live in sparse rural areas. This affects the accessibility of further education, services, jobs and leisure activities, particularly for older and young people
- Allerdale has some areas of high deprivation close to areas of extremely low deprivation. Some wards are amongst the 10% most deprived areas in the country
- There is a lack of affordable housing in many areas of the district.
Statistics for your area
The Area Profiler within the Cumbria Observatory website is a user-friendly tool which provides access to a wide range of useful facts and figures about areas in Cumbria. The profiler allows you to produce summaries of information covering areas such as the county, districts, super-output areas and wards. The Profiler also allows you to compare information to other areas including the UK.
The information available includes population, employment, crime, health, house prices and access to services. It also includes information on what local people say about that particular area – including what their priorities are and what they think needs improving.