Listed buildings
There are some 1,500 buildings in Allerdale that are included on a list of buildings that are of special architectural or historic interest - commonly known as listed buildings.
The main criteria for a building becoming listed are architectural interest, historic interest, close historical association and/or group value.
The listing is generally by definition of national importance, but we do have some locally listed buildings, especially in Cockermouth.
Types of listed buildings
There are three different grades of listed building:
- Grade 1: buildings that are of exceptional interest.
- Grade 2*: particularly important buildings of more than special interest,
- Grade 2: that are of special interest, warranting every effort to preserve them.
If you want to know if your property or some other building is listed, then use the map below or contact the planning office who will be pleased to advise you.
Doing work on a listed building
Before doing any alterations to listed buildings, seek the advice of an architect to help prepare your proposal. Our conservation officer is able to give advice and guidance.
Alterations and extensions that affect the character or appearance of a listed building require a grant of listed building consent prior to work being undertaken regardless of whether the work is internal or external. To undertake alterations without consent is a criminal offence.
Find out more, and apply for, Listed Building Consent online
Report a possible planning breach on a listed building