Planning Policy Climate Change Checklist
Allerdale Borough Council is committed to tackling climate change by reducing CO2 emissions and taking a lead in our communities. We have pledged to work towards carbon neutrality from our estate and activities by 2030, and towards a net zero Cumbria by 2037.
Actions that we are taking to tackle climate change are set out in our Climate Change Action Plan.
The planning system has a key role to play in addressing climate change, through reducing carbon emissions and helping communities to adapt to the impacts and risks arising from a changing climate.
Many of the planning policies in our adopted local plan are relevant to climate change.
Our adopted local plan consists of:
To ensure that our planning policies are being used effectively to tackle climate change we have prepared a Climate Change Checklist. This guidance document highlights the policies that require developments to mitigate and adapt to climate change and poses a series of questions in a checklist format to ensure that they are appropriately considered in the development process. Applicants are encouraged to complete the checklist to demonstrate how they are addressing climate change and complying with the relevant policies.
Whilst the Climate Change checklist does not form part of the formal validation process the Council will use the questions to guide pre-application discussions, to consider proposals, and ensure that climate change is properly accounted for as a material planning consideration in the determination of planning applications.