Dog breeding licence
Anyone running a dog breeding establishment must be licenced with us. A dog breeding establishment is defined as having more than two litters at any one time.
You can find out more about the licence from the website .
Applying for the licence
To apply for a licence from us:
- Download and complete the application form to apply for a new licence, or to renew an old one
- Enclose the relevant fee as shown in our fees and charges document - include a cheque made out to Allerdale Borough Council
- Send to the Environmental Health team at our offices in Workington
Download the Conditions of a Dog Breeding Licence
Download the Dog Breeding Licence application form
Application guidance documents can be found at
Changes to licences
On 1 October 2018 the Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018 came into force. These regulations replace a number of pieces of existing legislation to provide a new single licensing regime for a number of animal licensing activities.
Those undertaking the following activities will need to be licensed under the new regime:
- Selling animals as pets
- Providing or arranging for the provision of boarding for cats or dogs (including day care)
- Hiring out horses
- Breeding dogs
- Keeping or training animals for exhibition
Licences held under the current system relating to pet shops, animal boarding establishments, riding establishments or dog breeding will continue in force for the rest of their term. Licence holders will then need to make an application for a licence under the new regime and comply with the new requirements.
The new regulations set nationally applicable conditions that licence holders must comply with. A ratings system will be introduced whereby licence holders will be given a rating dependant on specified criteria. Current licence holders are advised to consider the conditions contained within the new regulations which will need to be complied with.
The Regulations can be found here .
Download the fees and charges for the new licensing regime
Please not the new regulations do not apply to Zoos and Dangerous and Wild Animals. These activities will continue to be licensed under existing legislation.
Application guidance documents can be found at