Keeping Allerdale clean
Our aim is to keep Allerdale as a great place to live, work and visit through maintaining our spectacular views or keeping our streets, harbours, promenades, parks and open spaces clear of litter. We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of environmental quality.
Some of the complaints we get from members of the public include fly tipping, litter and dog mess.
If you spot any problems with litter, dog mess, fly tipping or graffiti, then please report it online .
How do we keep Allerdale clean?
The role of our officers includes:
- Management of contained stray dogs (dogs that are not found to be roaming freely), dog fouling and enforcement of Allerdale's PSPO (public spaces protection order).
- Waste responsibilities; dealing with issues such as litter offenders, the investigation of fly tipping, the storage of domestic and commercial waste, and education. The team will evidence education and engagment prior to enforcement. We also enforce all relevant legislation regarding the above.
Find out more about each particular issue
Dog mess
If you are a dog owner, please clean up after your pet.
You can report dog fouling for us to clean up using the button below. You can also report people who allow their dogs to foul without picking up after them. We will investigate if we have enough information.
Dog issues
Our Environmental Enforcement Officers offer a number of services to local dog owners:
- Collection of stray dogs (in a contained area i.e. not roaming freely)
- Investigation of noise and smell nuisance
- Patrolling of identified dog fouling hot-spots
- Sticker, stencil and signage work
Our officers will investigate reports of litter around the Allerdale area to keep our community clean. Once we receive a report of litter our officers will take steps to remove it.
You can also report a bin which needs emptying:
What is fly tipping?
If somebody disposes of waste on an open space or private land and this is not permitted to be there then this is fly-tipping. It is dangerous, illegal and unsightly. If you see any fly-tipping please report it to us immediately.
What kind of items might be dumped?
Items that are dumped illegally often include sofas, carpets, TVs, rubble, mattresses, fridges and general waste.
What are the penalties?
If you are caught fly-tipping you could be liable to a fixed-penalty of £400 or, on conviction at court, a fine may be imposed up to £50,000 and up to six months imprisonment.
We all have a duty of care to ensure that our rubbish is passed on to an licensed waste carrier so that it can be disposed of safely.
Don't get someone else you don't know or trust to get rid of your waste, this includes "man in van" services which can be sourced via social media sites and WhatsApp. If it is fly-tipped and we can trace you then it is you, you may be liable to receive a fixed-penalty for failing to ensure the correct disposal of your waste. Take your waste to the Household Waste Recycling Centre , or get a bulky waste collection.
Who else is responsible for dealing with fly-tipping?
Both local authorities and the Environment Agency have powers to tackle fly-tipping.
Local authorities (such as oursevles) are responsible for clearing the waste from public land only. If you witness fly-tipping on public land please report this to us through our website or via the myAllerdale mobile app.
If fly-tipping occurs on private land please report this to us via the MyAllerdale app, via our website or via customer services so that this can be investigated.
The Environment Agency investigates major illegal fly-tipping incidents if they occur on public or private land. These include:
- BIG: Large illegal waste sites (greater than 20 tonnes)
- BAD: Evidence of organised tipping or criminal business practice
- NASTY: Drummed hazardous waste
The Environment Agency only clears up waste where there is an immediate risk to the environment and human health. They are not funded to clean up all illegally dumped waste on private or public land. More information on reporting these types of incidents can be found at
Graffiti is any drawing, painting or messages that are written, painted or carved on public and private surfaces without the permission of the property owner. It makes an area appear rundown and neglected and is often difficult and expensive to remove.
Graffiti on public buildings will be removed. Grafitti on a private building is the responsibility of the owner.
Trade waste legislation
Under the Environmental Protection Act 1990, all businesses (including those operating from home), have a legal responsibility to safely contain and legally dispose of any waste produced from their business.
The local authority may issue you with a fixed penalty notice of £300 or take action in the Magistrates Court with a maximum fine of £5,000 if you fail to comply with the legislation.
Animal welfare and nuisance
In general, people are allowed to keep animals, as long as they do not cause a nuisance or a health hazard to other people and premises around them.
Our Envrionmental Health Officers investigate animal related report such as noise, smells or waste caused by keeping animals and dead animals.
If you have concerns for the welfare of an animal you should report it to the RSPCA .
Abandoned vehicles
You can report a potentially abandoned vehicle to the council. Your name, address and contact details will be kept confidential. Details about the vehicle will be communicated to the DVLA and other relevant statutory agencies.
What action will we take?
Where a vehicle is considered by the council to be abandoned on public land, such as a road, the vehicle can be removed without notice and the registered keeper (or person in control) issued with a fixed penalty of £200 + costs.
We will recover costs incurred in removing, storing and disposing of abandoned vehicles from the owner responsible. Burned out vehicles will be dealt with in accordance with their status (as to whether they have been lost or stolen).
We follow a specific process for vehicles that are considered to be abandoned on private land.
- we write to the land owner and they have 15 days to notify us whether or not they have allowed that vehcile to be abandoned there;
- If there's no response, we will remove the vehicle at the cost of the landowner;
- If the landowner notifies us that they have not granted permission;
- We will remove the vehcile and the registered keeper (or person in control) will be issued with a fixed-penalty notice of £200 + costs (recovery and storage of vehicle + associated administration).
Other vehicles which may appear to be abandoned
Vehicles which are involved in road traffic accidents, broken down, causing an obstruction or are a danger to other road users are the responsibility of the police.
Not having a current vehicle excise licence is not sufficient grounds to decide that a vehicle is abandoned. Such vehicles should be reported to the DVLA on their freephone telephone hotline 0800 032 5202 or email .
Report an abandoned vehicle
Fly posting
Fly posting has been defined as “the display of advertising material on buildings and street furniture without the consent of the owner.”
However it is more accurately described as “any advertisement displayed in contravention of the regulations made under section 220 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
We can take action against those responsible for fly posting and remove illegal posters and placards and recover the costs incurred in doing so from those who have displayed them, or cause them to be displayed.
If we take action and you are found guilty of fly-posting, you may be fined up to £2,500 and we may also be able to recover our costs. Those caught in the act of fly posting can be issued with a maximum fixed penalty fine of £75.00.
Leaving leaflets on car windows is also an offence under the Road Traffic Act as it obstructs the view of the driver.
Palm oil
Palm oil is a type of oil derived from palm trees which is used in cooking, soap and biofuels.
There have been several cargo incidents off the north west coast over recent decades and it is estimated that tonnes of palm oil remain in the wreckages.
In addition, under the current regulations, ships are allowed to clean their tanks after delivering the substance to the UK, dumping a limited amount of the contaminated residue at sea, provided they do so more than 12 miles from the shore.