Local Plan (Part 2): Site Allocations process
Work commenced on the Site Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD) or ‘Allerdale Local Plan (Part 2)’ in 2013, in order to identify or ‘allocate’ sufficient areas of land within the Borough outside the National Park for specific types of development and land uses such as housing, employment, and retail for the plan period up to 2029.
It followed on from the Allerdale Local Plan (Part 1) adopted in July 2014, which provided the policy framework for Part 2, containing the Council’s strategic and planning policies for the use and development of land and identifying the levels of growth for the Borough and the settlement hierarchy in which it would be accommodated.
Work on the Allerdale Local Plan (Part 2) included
- Identifying sites for allocation within the Principal Service Centre, Key Service Centres and Local Service Centres,
- Defining revised development boundaries for the Principal Service Centre, Key Service Centres, Local Service Centres and Limited Growth Villages. The settlement boundaries identify (and delineate on a plan) the division between the built-up area of the settlement and the surrounding countryside in order to prevent the encroachment of development into the countryside and define areas of land where new development will, in principle, be acceptable.
The Allerdale Local Plan (Part 2) was submitted to the Secretary of State for independent examination in January 2019 and hearings undertaken in May 2019. The government’s Planning Inspector issued his final report and recommended modifications to the Council on 09 January 2020, which marked the end of his independent examination of the submitted Plan. Further details of the examination can be found on the Examination (Part 2) page.
The Allerdale Local Plan (Part 2) was formally adopted by Allerdale Borough Council on 22 July 2020. For adoption details click here.
Consultation Stages
Main Modification Consultation has now closed
The Council submitted the Allerdale Local Plan (Part 2) for Examination in January 2019 and public hearings were held during May 2019. As a result of representations received and the public hearings a number of amendments are proposed to the Local Plan (Part 2). The proposed changes are set out in the Schedule of Main Modifications.
The Schedule of Main Modifications and changes to the Policies Maps, and the updated Sustainability Appraisal and Habitat Regulations Assessment are available to view between 9am to 5pm Monday to Thursday and 9am to 4:30pm on Fridays at the Council’s offices at Allerdale House, Workington.
The documents can also be viewed at the following venues during their normal office hours:
Aspatria Library & Local Link: The Brandraw , Aspatria CA7 3EZ
Cockermouth Library & Customer Services Centre: Main Street CA13 9LU
Maryport Customer Services Centre: Town Hall, Senhouse Street CA15 6BH
Maryport Library: Lawson Street, Maryport CA15 6ND
Silloth Library: The Discovery Centre, Liddell Street, Silloth CA7 4DD
Wigton Library: High Street, Wigton CA7 9PE
Wigton Local Link Community Office: Market Hall, Wigton CA7 9AA
Workington Library: Vulcans Lane, Workington CA14 2ND
The documents and comments forms are also available to view by clicking the link below:
Main Modifications Consultation
Representations are now invited on the Main Modifications and changes to the Policies Map only and no other aspects of the plan. There is no need to repeat previous representations.
Representations must be made in writing, using the comments form, and sent either by email or post to:
Planning Policy, Allerdale Borough Council, Allerdale House, Workington CA14 3YJ
Representations must be received by no later than 4pm on 1 November 2019.
The council has now published its pre-submission version of the Local Plan (Part 2) for the area of Allerdale that lies outside the Lake District National Park.
The Local Plan (Part 2) will form part of the Local Plan for Allerdale, alongside the Allerdale Local Plan (Part 1) which was adopted in 2014. The document identifies sites and policies necessary to meet the borough's development needs to 2029, as set out in the spatial strategy and growth outlined in Part 1 of the Plan.
The Local Plan (Part 2) covers:
- the locations of sites for housing development
- the location of sites for employment and retail development
- the location of a Gypsy and Traveller pitch site
- an area suitable for wind energy development
- protection of important areas of open space and green infrastructure and
- policies on affordable housing, housing standards, self-build housing, tourism development, housing standards and broadband provision.
For the consultation documents and full details of the Pre-Submission consultation, please click on the link to the Pre-Submission Consultation page.
June 2018 Local Plan Update & Consultation on land at Dunmail Park
Further to our focussed consultation conducted earlier this year, an error was made regarding the site area for a proposed retail/mixed use site submitted at Dunmail Park, Workington, reference 4/WOR/106/M (page 23 of the Focused Consultation document 2017 ).
The correct plan for this site can be found below. A hard copy is available to view at the Council’s offices at Allerdale House, Workington between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm Monday to Thursday and 9:00 am and 4:30 pm on Fridays (0303 123 1702).
View 1/WOR/106/M – Dunmail Park Workington
A copy is also available for inspection at the following locations during their normal opening hours:
• Aspatria Library: Local Link, The Brandraw, Aspatria, CA7 3EZ (016973 20515)
• Cockermouth Library Link: Main Street, Cockermouth, CA13 9LU (01900 7067170)
• Maryport Library: Lawson Street, Maryport CA15 6ND (01900 812384)
• Maryport Customer Services Centre: Town Hall, Senhouse Street, Maryport CA15 6BH (0303 123 1702)
• Silloth Library: The Discovery Centre, Liddell Street, Silloth CA7 4DD (016973 32195)
• Wigton Library: High Street, Wigton (016973 66150)
• Wigton Local Link: Community Office, Market Hall, Wigton CA7 9AA (0303 123 1702)
• Workington Library: Vulcans Lane, Workington, CA14 2ND (01900 706170)
If you have any comments to make on this site only, submit them in writing either by email or post, no later than 4pm 29 June 2018.
• By email: siteallocations@allerdale.gov.uk
• By Post: Planning Policy, Allerdale Borough Council, Allerdale House, Workington, CA14 3YJ
Local Plan update
We plan to take the final version of the Local Plan (part 2), along with comments submitted in response to previous consultations, to the Council’s Executive and Full Council in September 2018. This will be followed by a six week consultation period starting in October, after which the Local Plan will be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for independent examination. In the meantime, as and when available, we will be adding topic papers and studies to our web pages.
Consultee Database
As a consequence of previous planning policy consultations Allerdale Borough Council currently holds your name, postal address (if provided), email address (if provided) and telephone number (if provided). Your information is stored electronically on our consultation system. Access is restricted to the Planning Policy team.
When you comment on our Planning Policy documents we are collecting your information as part of our public duties as a local authority, in order to comply with the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 and the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations 2012. We are unable to accept anonymous comments.
If you wish to be notified of future Local Plan Consultations, it is necessary that you provide explicit consent for your details to be retained on our consultee database and mailing list.
Please respond by 7th June 2018 by contacting us by email or post as detailed below with the completed consent form.
If you do not respond by 7th June 2018 the Council will, unless defined under the 2012 Regulations, delete all your personal details currently held on its planning policy consultee database.
Please confirm by completing the consent form found below that you agree to your details being retained for future Local Plan consultations. We will be unable to contact you if we have not received a completed consent form. By giving Allerdale Borough Council your consent this does not mean your details will be held in perpetuity. We regularly update our database and you can request to be removed at any time.
You can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us by email or post using the details below:
• By email: localplan@allerdale.gov.uk
• By Post: Planning Policy, Allerdale Borough Council, Allerdale House, Workington, CA14 3YJ
If you have any queries regarding the site allocations process or the contents of this letter, contact a member of the Planning Policy team on 01900 702790 or by email: siteallocations@allerdale.gov.uk
If you have received this correspondence by letter and are happy to receive email communications in future, please let us know.
Following a Call for Sites conducted at the end of 2013, and Issues and Options consultations undertaken in 2014 and 2015, the council identified those sites that it considered most appropriate for development in its Preferred Options consultation carried out earlier this year. The council is currently in the process of reviewing the sites identified and policies proposed in response to the comments received. A number of new sites were also suggested to the Council for consideration.
This consultation is on the additional sites suggested, as well as proposed settlement boundary amendments. The sites are illustrated as submitted, with no assessment of their suitability or fit with the Local Plan strategy; they are not being promoted by the council.
We are also consulting on a number of new and amended policy options. Full details of the consultation are available on the Focused Consultation: Additional Sites and Preferred Options Consultation 2017 page.
The process of preparing the Allerdale Local Plan (Part 2) has now reached the Preferred Options consultation stage, in which the council has identified the sites it considers to be the most suitable sites to allocate for development purposes, or designate for alternative uses. These preferred sites are identified in the Preferred Options consultation document.
Sites that the council has discarded during the site assessment and selection process are identified in the discarded sites documents prepared for each locality within the district. Revisions to the settlement boundaries of the towns and villages are addressed in the Settlement Boundary review paper.
For the consultation documents, details of drop-in sessions and full details of the Preferred Options Consultation see the Preferred Options Consultation 2017 page.
The Issues and Options Consultation Statement 2015 summarises all of the representations received in response to the Issues and Options consultations. These comments will help inform the next stage in the site allocations process, identifying the council's preferred sites for development Preferred Options.
We sought views on number of additional sites put forward for development purposes in response to the Issues and Options consultation.
The Issues and Options Additional Sites Submitted consultation ran from 9 January 2015 until 27 February 2015 and is now closed.
More information about this consultation can be found on the Issues and Options Additional Sites Submitted Consultation 2015 page.
One of the initial stages in the preparation of the Site Allocations DPD, the Issues and Options consultation, was undertaken in 2014. The council sought views on how sites should be identified and land uses allocated in order to meet the borough’s future development needs. The Site Allocations DPD Issues and Options Discussion Paper included all of the sites put forward for consideration in the council’s Call for Sites and presented a range of issues and options for consideration.
Two other documents were published as part of this consultation, to be read in conjunction with the discussion paper.
- Download the Site Allocations DPD site assessment methodology that sets out the approach to assessing sites, reviewing settlement boundaries and de-allocating employment land, and
- Download the Site Allocation Scoping report which sets out the sustainability objectives and assessment framework for the sustainability appraisal.
The Issues and Options consultation concluded on 30 September 2014 and is now closed.
More information about this consultation can be found on the Issues and Options Consultation 2014 page. The responses to the Issues and Options Consultation are currently being examined and will inform the preparation of the council's Preferred Options, which will identify the council’s preferred sites for allocation.
The first stage in the production of the Site Allocations Development Document (DPD), prior to the Issues and Options Consultation 2014, involved a Call for Sites and the publication of three documents in September 2013: