Licence - gambling
Laws on gambling have three objectives. These are:
- keeping gambling crime free;
- making sure that gambling is fair and open;
- protecting children and vulnerable adults.
Apart from the National Lottery and spread betting, gaming and betting is regulated by the Gambling Commission, whose duties include licensing the operators and individuals involved in providing gaming and betting facilities.
Allerdale Borough Council is a licensing authority under the Gambling Act and has a duty to licence premises where gambling is to take place and to licence certain other activities (such as registering small society lotteries ).
We issue premises licences for:
- Betting offices and race tracks
- Bingo clubs
- Adult gaming centres (AGC)
- Family entertainment centre (FEC)
We issue permits for:
- Gaming machines in alcohol-licensed premises, such as pubs
- Gaming machines for members clubs
- Gaming in members clubs
- Unlicensed family entertainment centres
- Prize gaming
Temporary and Occasional use notices
There is also a system of Temporary Use Notices and Occasional Use Notices. These authorise premises that are not licensed generally for gambling purposes to be used for certain types of gambling for limited periods. We also issue provisional statements.
How do I get a licence for gambling activities?
Please contact our licensing department on 0300 373 3730 who can provide more information and application forms.
Existing Gambling Policy - Statement of Principles
The Gambling Act requires all Licensing Authorities to prepare, consult on and publish a Statement of Gambling Policy every three years setting out how the authority will manage the licensing of gambling premises.
See our latest policy below:
Cumberland Council Gambling Policy 2023-2026 Notice of publication of Gambling Policy