Publication Scheme
The Publication Scheme sets out the information that we hold that we proactively make available to the public. The information in the scheme is grouped into classes and includes paper and electronic documents, items on the Internet, leaflets and reports. We have adopted the Publication Scheme devised by the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO). Full details of the scheme can also be found on the ICO's website .
The classes of information are as below:
Publication Scheme - Who we are and what we do
This section covers organisational information, structures, locations and contacts
Council Constitution
The Council's Constitution sets out the basic principles on how the council operates.
Council structure
More information on the council's:
- Political structure and leadership
- Committee structure
- Directorate and departmental structure and Strategic Management Team
Location and opening times of council properties
- Main office and customer contact centres
- Sports and leisure facilities
- Location of the Council's car parks
- Recycling centres
- Parks and gardens and play areas
- Council owned cemeteries
- Public toilets
- Land owned by the council, and other information including the location of every bin, can be searched and viewed via the mapping service
Currently elected councillors' information and contact details
Contact details of customer facing departments
Most recent election results
Borough results and by-elections
Relationships with other authorities
The process of making joint arrangements is outlined in the Constitution .
The role of the Monitoring Officer and the Finance Officer can be found in the Constitution.
Publication Scheme – What we spend and how we spend it
Financial statements, budgets and variance reports
- Details of the finances of the Council can be found in the Statement of Accounts
- The Medium Term Financial Strategy provide information on budgets
- Variance reports, spending reviews and capital programme are contained in the Executive minutes
- The Council undergoes an annual audit of its accounts
Member and staff allowances
Members receive an annual allowance for their duties (staff allowance details available on request)
Pay and grading structure
- Senior Officer pay and structure charts
- Pay policy statement outlines the assumptions used with regard to pay
Election expenses
Returns and declarations are available on request
Procurement procedures
- The procurement of goods and services are governed by the procurement strategy
- Details of contracts currently being tendered. Major contracts awarded and their value
Financial regulations
The financial regulations which govern the financial arrangements can be found within the Constitution . Funding for partnerships can be found in our Statement of Accounts
Council spending, including all spending over £500
- T he Council publishes all spending on a monthly basis including the assistance given to third sector organisations
Publication Scheme - What our priorities are and how we are doing
Council Plan
The Council produces a Council Plan which sets out the Council’s vision and priorities to help shape future service provision and decision making
Strategies and business plans for services provided by the Council
Business plans are available on request. The Council has a number of policies and strategies.
Performance plans
The Council has been subject to a number of performance plans which determine how well it is doing against national and local indicators. Internal reports judge our performance against the Council Plan. Previous inspection reports are also available
Forward Plan
The Forward Plan outlines the Key Decisions which are due to be taken in the next four months. The plan is regularly updated.
Impact Assessments
The Council carries out Equality Impact Assessments to monitor any possible negative impact on race, disability and gender equality from its policies and functions. It also carries out Privacy Impact Assessments. These are available on request.
Service standards
Our Customer Access Charter outlines the standards customers can expect when they contact the council.
Statistical information
The Council publishes some basic statistical information about the borough. Other information on council services is available on request.
Publication scheme - How we make decisions
The record of decision making includes:
- Timetable of council meetings
- Agendas, officers’ reports, background papers and minutes of council committee, sub committee and standing forum meetings
The Council will make available on request (subject to any exemptions) any facts, or analysis of facts used when framing policy decisions.
Major policy proposals and decisions
- The Council Plan
- Local Plan for planning
- Business Growth Strategy
Public consultations
The Council consults on a number of issues and publishes the details including consultation papers and the analysis of the results
Internal communications guidance
Where possible the Council will provide access to internal instructions, manuals and guidelines for dealing with the business of the Council upon request.
Publication Scheme - Our policies and procedures
A full list of the policies and procedures is available on request. The following are available via our website:
Policies and procedures for conducting council business:
See specific pages on our website
Policies and procedures for delivering our services
See specific pages on our website
Policies and procedures about the recruitment and employment of staff
Available on request
Customer service
Records management and personal data policies
Charging regimes and policies
Publication Scheme - Lists and registers
Where possible these are provided on our internet site. If there is no link shown, please contact the Council via the email shown.
- Public registers and registers held as public records
- Register of Burials
- Building Control Database of applications
- Health and Safety Prosecutions Register
- Register of planning applications
- Register of statutory Health and Safety notices served
- Food Premises Register
- Environmental Protection Act: Prescribed Processes Register
- Radioactive Substances Act Register
- Waste Management Licenses Register
- BNFL Public Register
- Register of notices served
- List of Street Trading prohibited streets
- Cooling Tower and Evaporative Condenser Register
- Scrap Metal Register
- Stray dog register
- List of dog exclusion areas
- Register of local land charges
- Register of Private Hire Drivers
- Register of Hackney Carriage Vehicles
- Licensing Act Registers of premises and events
- Gambling Act registers
- Adopted Roads Register
- Car parking orders
- Traffic Regulation Orders
- Public Planning Register
- Tree Preservation Orders
- Hedgerows
- Public Footpath Register
- Local Authority Land 42.4 KB
Asset registers
- Land and properties owned by the Council
- Register of gifts and hospitality
- Councillor’s financial interest register
- Register of members interests
Register of electors
- Edited electoral register
- Full electoral register
The electoral registers are available for inspection at our council offices in the presence of a council officer. Hand-written notes only can be taken.
Other lists
- Footpath Diversion Orders
- Stopping-up orders
- Street drinking bans
- Location of lights maintained by Allerdale Borough Council
- Open Spaces
- Village Greens
- Council owned land
- Polling stations
- Conservation areas
- Tree Preservation Orders
- Listed buildings
Please note that some information may be exempt from disclosure under Section 40 of the Freedom of Information Act, or Regulation 13 of the Environmental Information Regulations, where it is considered to be personal information as defined by the Data Protection Act.
Publication Scheme - Services provided by the Council
Below are links to more information on the services provided by the council. It also includes details of news releases and election information.
- Home
- About the Council
- Benefits
- Bereavements
- Business rates (NNDR)
- Census 2021
- Council Tax
- Coronavirus
- Council and Democracy
- Community advice and safety
- Data Protection & Freedom of Information
- Elections
- Contact Us
- Emergencies and severe weather
- Environment
- Pest control
- Street lighting
- Cleaning Allerdale
- Dogs in public places
- Public toilets
- Climate change
- Land pollution issues
- Water
- Drainage
- Noise
- Air quality
- Smoke
- Odour and dust
- Environmental permits
- Grounds maintenance
- Getting rid of unwanted items properly
- Statutory Nuisance, Accumulations, Property Nuisance and Filthy or Verminous Properties
- Food hygiene and health & safety
- Grants
- Housing
- Housing Grants
- Housing policies and strategies
- Housing Studies
- Information for Landlords
- Asylum and immigration
- Refugees
- Affordable Warmth
- Self Build and Custom House Building
- Homelessness and Homelessness Prevention
- Find a home
- Shared Ownership
- Housing Options privacy notice
- Gypsies and travellers
- Damp & Mould
- HUG2 Cumbria
- Invest in Cumberland
- Land Charges
- Licensing and street trading
- Local history, heritage, travel and tourism
- Parks and open spaces
- Parking
- Planning & building control
- Sport, leisure, arts and culture
- Voting and voter registration
- Waste and recycling
- Allerdale Waste Services
- Check your bin collection day
- Christmas recycling advice
- Which rubbish, which bin?
- Fly-tipping
- Trade waste services
- Request a larger bin
- Recycling centres
- Bulky item collection service
- What happens to your recycling?
- A to Z recycling index
- Waste and recycling policy
- Syringes and other clinical waste
- Waste services privacy notice
- Easter recycling advice
- Other services
- My Property
- Apply for it
- Payments
- Report It
- Login to your myCumberland account
- Bin request forms
- Report a missed bin
- General enquiry
- Report litter
- Larger Bin Request
- Report a syringe
- Report dog mess
- Report an overflowing litter bin
- Report a damaged litter bin
- Report fly tipping
- Report a stray dog
- Report Graffiti
- Report a nuisance
- Report a problem in our car parks
- Report an abandoned vehicle
- Report a dead animal
- Report fallen leaves
Services for which we are entitled to charge a fee and the details of those fees
Information for visitors to the area and events
Some information contained in the documents may be exempt from disclosure under Section 40 of the Freedom of Information Act, or Regulation 13 of the Environmental Information Regulations. These exempt information from disclosure where the information is the personal information of identifiable individuals (as defined by the Data Protection Act). There is normally no charge for the information supplied under the Publication Scheme. However, there may be charges for some documents and/or to cover any costs such as printing and postage.
In accordance with Section 11(1A) we shall publish datasets under our publication scheme. These shall be updated as appropriate. Datasets shall be made available:
- If they meet the definition of a "dataset" as set down in Section 11(5) of the FOIA
- In a re-usable machine readable format (ie CSV) where reasonably practicable (ie where costs are not prohibitive)
- Under a non-chargeable Open Government License for the sections (in part or whole) which we own the copyright, even if the data is to be used for commercial purposes. Please cite "Cumberland Council" as the source of the data.
Once published we shall publish updated versions of the dataset unless it is "not appropriate" to do so. Factors taken into account will be any exemptions, and the wider public interest of the particular set of data.
Please note that datasets shall be released in accordance with any exemptions which may apply to the data (such as Section 40, Personal Information).
Spatial environmental data can be found via our My Maps section and also online at .
Where we do not own the Copyright to some or all of the data, we shall provide details of the Copyright holder where this is known. There may be instances where datasets are disclosed for non-commercial use only, or a charge will be made for re-use. We shall inform you of this